- 2020-08-28 09:00
- 2020-09-04 09:00
WAITING ON AN ISLAND (or 7 days Training for your imagination)
Starts from 28th of August
The root of the word isolation derives from the Latin word insula, meaning an island. We are inviting you together with artist Saule Norkute to imagine a time of your quarantine as if being stranded on an unfamiliar island. An island which you can not actively explore but can observe from a safe distance. Due to your organism getting used to this unfamiliar weather conditions and new type of nature you must stay inside for long periods of time and limit intake of unfamiliar air. During this waiting period you will become an explorer and document your everyday life under these new conditions. How do we observe and collect information when we have restricted access? What name would you give to this island? What are the particularities of the inhabitants? What does the new language sound like?
Daily you will be receiving various fun, strange and engaging tasks and suggestions for exploration. You will be documenting your daily observations and exploration through creating text, videos, recording sound, drawing (no drawing skills necessary), collecting samples of the surrounding. Main aim is to turn this period of waiting into observation and exploration, which would leave traces of this period otherwise filled with uncertainty.
This is an invitation to familiarize yourself with the new country in an imaginative way.
Imagination is wrongly attributed only to children, according to various researchers training and using imagination daily improves our abilities to find unexpected solutions in difficult or mundane situations. Most importantly trained imagination can create and think of completely new scenarios of existing.
Reclaim your imagination and train imagination muscle for a week!
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31st of August and 1st of September. From 10.00 till 15.00 with a lunch break.
We are inviting you to join a 2-day storytelling workshop for all English speaking students in VU and have fun during isolation time. We can invite only 14 participants, so be quick!
REGISTRATION HERE: https://forms.gle/Vpkj87HJba1FKCuc6
During the workshop:
- You will learn how to tell true life stories in an interesting and engaging way;
- You will learn what are the main components of the stories and how to craft them well;
- You will get some useful tips about the rhythm of the story and the rule of “less is more”;
- Do you think you have nothing to tell? Everyone does! During the storytelling workshop you will learn a technique of how to find the stories in your life and tell them in a way that everyone will want to listen!
- You will get a real public speaking experience while in a safe environment. Only 12 people can join the workshop, thus every participant will have access to focussed individual attention, along with group exercises;
- You will have FUN TIME with your peers, will exercise your creativity and will find new friends.
The online workshop is led by Lithuanian storyteller Milda Varnauskaite (@StorytellerMilda). Milda is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands where she finished Mezrab storytelling school and now works as a storyteller at Mezrab Cultural Centre and other various places. Milda is a practitioner of storytelling, thus she is always striving to carry the practical knowledge to her students. Milda is also an alumnus of Vilnius University and a founder of Baltic Storytelling Centre.

1st of September, 7 p.m.
Open Stage Night: an online storytelling event, where you can listen to stories told by others, share your own story, meet and mingle with new people!
REGISTRATION HERE: https://forms.gle/CJnknkVQ15U3Mux6A
If you want to tell a story drop us a line at