
Church of Sts. Johns and the University Architectural EnsembleSv Jonai ir varpine

Šv. Jono str. 12 and Universiteto str. 3

One of the picturesque parts of the Vilnius University building is the Church of Sts. Johns and its bell tower. The full name of the church is the Church of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. The construction of this church lasted for almost 40 years and was completed in 1426. At that time it was a Gothic building. In 1571 the church was transferred to the Order of Jesuits and became a part of the University Ensemble.

Nowadays student graduation ceremonies, various concerts and festivals are held there.

Theater HallVU Teatro salė

Universiteto str. 3

The University Theater Hall holds performances of academic theater, various concerts and conferences. It is situated in the Central edifice of the VU in the Old Town, on the second floor of the southern wing of the Great Courtyard. You can reach it through the main entrance.

The Great Aula (Aula Magna)VU Didžioji aula. Interjeras

M. K. Čiurlionio str. 21

It is the biggest concert hall of Vilnius University. University art groups', other musicians and artists concerts as well as rehearsals and other events are held there.