

Gaudeámus ígitur,
Júvenes dum sumus:
Post jucundam juventútem
Post moléstam senectútem
Nos habébit humus!

Vívat academia,
Vívant professóres;
Vívat membrum quódlibet,
Vívant membra quáelibet,
Semper sint in flore!

Vívat et respublica
Et qui íllam régunt,
Vívat nostra cívitas,
Maecenátum cáritas,
Quae nos hic protegunt!

Let us therefore rejoice,
While we are young;
After our youth,
After a troublesome old age
The ground will hold us.

Long live the university,
Long live the teachers,
Long live each male student,
Long live each female student;
May they always flourish!

Long live the state
And those who rule it.
Long live our city,
And the charity of benefactors
Which protects us here.

The history of "Gaudeamus Igitur" (in Lithuanian)

„Gaudeamus igitur“: History of the student's hymn, by Prof. habil. dr. Eugenija Ulčinaitė in Vilnius University Journal „Spectrum“ (2007), p. 32. 

Sheet music

Sheet music of "Gaudeamus igitur" on the internet

Gaudeamus igitur natos.pdf