
EN Jaunimėlis cover


Vilnius University folk music group "Jaunimėlis" has been counting for more than a decade. The ensemble was founded in 1971 and still brings enthusiasts of Lithuanian folk art to dance, sing and nurture the values of traditional art together. The folk music group organizes concerts not only in various cities of Lithuania, but also represents the name of Vilnius University in many events and competitions in Lithuania and abroad successfully – Baltic song festival “Dainų šventė”, “Grok Jurgeli“, “Linksmoji armonika“, “Trakų pilis“, “Dzūkelis“, “Gaida“, “Universitas Vilnensis“, “Gaudeamus“.

“Jaunimėlis” has expanded the geography of its activities all over the world. Since the beginning the folk music group has visited more than 10 countries – USA, Germany, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, FYR of Macedonia, Belgium and Uzbekistan. With such a list of places visited, awards and various recognitions have appeared.

In 2001 and 2003 at the Republican Folk Musicians' Festival "Linksmoji armonika", the ensemble received a special prize for the best and most professional folk music group. Also, the “Jaunimėlis” was nominated for one of the most prestigious awards in the „Aukso paukšte“ competition for the best folk music ensemble and conductor in 2012. During almost 50 years of activity, Vilnius University folk music ensemble "Jaunimėlis" had many professional leaders, who have formed the identity of the ensemble - "to be proud to be Lithuanian".

Currently, the traditions of the ensemble are maintained and conducted by the long-term artistic director of the ensemble Bronislovas Glovickis and the head of the dance group, choreographer Gabrielė Kulienė. Follow us on social media: 2343ec78a04c6ea9d80806345d31fd78-gdprlock/vujaunimelis, 8dc6460bbbb088757ed67ed8fb316b1b-gdprlock/vujaunimelis

International students of Vilnius university are invited to learn traditional Lithuanian dances with folk music group "Jaunimėlis". 

You will get introduced with traditional dances and culture of Lithuania, you will have an opportunity to perform in various concerts and participate in annual camp of folk music group "Jaunimėlis".

Lessons will be held by Gabrielė Kulienė. 

Dance lessons will be on Tuesdays, 5 PM-6.30 PM, in Saulėtekis ave. 9, The Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Communications (in the basement of joint building)

Having problems to find? Contact dance group leader Gabrielė Kulienė before the lesson and she will meet you.

For more information contact dance group leader Gabrielė Kulienė e-mail , phone +37062203849