
2024-06-07 19:00
2024-06-07 20:00

During Culture Night 2024, on 7th of June, at 7 p.m. Vilnius University (VU) Kinetinc Theatre's dance performance "Hommo in Maxima" will take place in the VU Theatre Hall. The performance is intended to mark Lithuania's 20 years of membership in the European Union in a theatrical form and review Lithuanian society's development during these two decades. The performance was part of the activities of the CAMINO project - the main event of the Europe Day celebration at Vilnius University.

The performance is an experiment that tries to cover the evolution of four values after Lithuania’s accession to the European Union. Love, affection, safety and understanding of the meaning of life. Maybe we call love just a fun party experience? Maybe affection is just addiction to brands and safety is granted in and out group squabbles. Then we should not look for meaning, because it is buried under the gravestone of artificial intelligence, answers and feelings of personal redundancy. Deus ex machina is dead. Now starts the formation of hommo ex machina situation, which seeks to become an emotionally complete instruction for use. Values are superseded by… a written codex of “life”, administrational instructions. They are squeezed in an Excell spreadsheet in clamps of mandatory productivity. This fits our mandatory criteria. Alas, it does not care for honesty. Thus, it degenerates into Hommo in Maxima.

The event is free.

Creative team 

Režisierius Andrius Pulkauninkas
Choreografė Goda Laurinanvišiūtė
Kompozitorė Kotryna Jančauskaitė
Scenografė Eglė Jovaišaitė
Video projekcijos autorius Šarūnas Kuckailis
Šviesų operatorius Santautas Kabelka
Garso operatorius Juozas Sakalis
Video projekcijų operatorius Andrius Kavaliauskas
Gintarė Švedaitė
Inga Zybailaitė
Roberta Skirmantaitė
Gabija Matijaškaitė
Danielė Grigaliūnaitė
Aistrė Giedraitytė
Aistė Šukevičiūtė
Ugnė Budrytė
Austėja Rimkutė
Erika Voloncevič
Goda Savostinaitė
Kotryna Jančauskaitė
Laisvūnė Šimonytė