
EN Impro cover

Join us!

Improv Studio is a bunch of incredibly fun, resourceful and playful students, who learn and practice the art of improvisation with their leader - actor and educator Vytautas Kontrimas. Vilnius University Culture Centre founded the project "Theatre improvisation" in 2021 and as of today the Improv group has gained a lot of interest as well as already organized the first ever "Impro Ring" in Vilnius University!

Classes timetable

Thursdays, 19:00 

Aula Parva Cafe, Universiteto g. 3, entrance through the Great Courtyard.

How to find us? 

What is theatre improvisation?

It consists of thousands of theatrical games, which develop our communication skills, the ability to speak persuasively, reasonably and without stress in any kind of situation. Improvisation helps to develop all skills required for team work, studying and examination, managerial work, etc. 

You don't have to have any kind of experience or special talents in acting, if you are interested, you can just join and have fun exploring yourself and others! In this creative journey you will be surprised how much humour, freedom and creativity there is in each of us. Here you will experience how another person is able to inspire you.

Categories of Improv games:
  • Status
  • Time management
  • Storytelling
  • Emotions 
  • Quick thinking
  • Attention developing
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Musical
  • Trust
  • Association 

While you play and have fun pracitising improvisation you will lear how to manage not only yourself and the stage fright, but also you will be able to try the methods to increase observation skills, improve quick thinking and become better at being a dialog partner. This will in turn help you become more confident in you studies or career.

Improv classes are lead by lector - doc. Vytautas Kontrimas.     











Actor. Educator. Public speaking coach. Vytautas Kontrimas has an incredible experience in TV, theatre and cinema. He uses this knowledge in his seminars, where people learn communication, body language, improvisation and stage freedom skills.

Vytautas Kontrimas has a solid public speaking training and improvisation experience. He works a lot with business clients, teaches upper and middle managers. His teaching specialty - theatrical methods, practical exercises, feedback -  helps to quickly and effectively learn acting prowess techhniques in public speaking.

2021 Improv group games:

