
First Vilnius University Organ Studio Unda Maris Online Recital starts on May 29th, 12 PM no YouTube.


Unda Maris Organ Studio unites members of Vilnius University community who love organ music and pipe organs. For a number of years they have been practicing at Vilnius University St John's church which has the largest pipe organ in Lithuania. At the end of the academic year members of studio usually play a joint recital at this church.

But last year in 2020, when COVID pandemic hit the world, Unda Maris were in quarantine and the church was inaccessible so they couldn't practice and perform. Luckily this year we decided to do virtual rehearsals on the instruments that our members have at home. You might have seen these virtual rehearsals on their YouTube channel. Some play on a virtual organs such as Hauptwerk and GrandOrgue, some use electronic instruments or even a piano. The most important thing is that members can continue to practice and develop their organ playing skills.

Therefore this year members are able to present  this recital. You will hear four of Unda Maris organists - Benas Matuzevičius, Audrė Dudėnienė, Karolina Indrulytė and Diana Danilova.

In the program - works by Girolamo Frescobaldi, Johann Ludwig Krebs, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Eric Satie, Cesar Franck and Vidas Pinkevicius.