
2022-04-27 19:00
2022-04-27 20:30

Vilniaus universiteto (VU) Kultūros centras kviečia tarptautinius studentus dalyvauti Istorijų pasakojimo Open Stage vakare. Balandžio 27 d., 19 val., VU Konfucijaus institute bus galima ne tik paklausyti, bet ir papasakoti istoriją apie tai, ką mums reiškia žodis NAMAI - šio vakaro tema. Vakaro šeimininkė - profesionali istorijų pasakotoja Milda Varnauskaitė. 

Į vakarą yra kviečiami ne tik tarptautiniai studentai, bet ir visi angliškai kalbantys, istorijas mėgstantys žmonės!

Whether it be for work, love, adventure or refuge, we are always seeking home. Home is a feeling that we can’t quite explain, yet are always trying to find or create. We invite you to tell stories of what is HOME for you. Share your experience of migration and the longing for home. Tell us about finding home in unexpected places. 

Open Stage Night is a storytelling event, where you can listen to stories told by others, share your own story, meet and mingle with new likeminded people!

Milda Varnauskaitė is an international storyteller and storytelling coach based in Vilnius. You can read more about her work and journey into storytelling here: 

If you want to tell a story drop us a line at  


27th of April, 7 PM.

VU Confucius Institute (M. K. Čiurlionio st. 21, Vilnius)